Saturday, August 31, 2019

Goffman’s The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life Essay

Goffman’s The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life considers how people act in daily life and in different circumstances. He employs the language of theatre to show how humans are ‘social actors’ who take on different roles in different situations and circumstances. Actors have the ability to choose roles and are aware of an audience. Chapter 2 focuses on ‘Teams’. Goffman suggests that people will form teams to support how they present themselves. Like actors on a stage, it is difficult to act alone and to fulfil a desired goal. So people incorporate performance teams. A team is â€Å"a set of individuals who co-operate in staging a single routine† (69). There are 2 kinds of relationships in teams: one is that of reciprocal dependency where each member must depend on the other to achieve their goal or stage their ‘show’ and the other is that of reciprocal familiarity where ‘members are in the know’ and they work together to ‘maintain’ the appearance. A team therefore is not necessarily an organisation or social structure but a group of performers coming together to sustain a definition of a situation which tries to claim what ‘reality’ is (e. g. political parties for an upcoming election). In order to achieve something, all members must observe a ‘principle of unanimity’. Interaction between groups is always about who ‘performs’ and controls the ‘scene’; the other team becomes the ‘audience’. Thus there is always an issue of power – dramatic and directive dominance. Dramatic power is power that is visible but has little reality because somebody else is directing that actor. This person who directs someone else with dramatic power has directive dominance (e. g. Queen of England has dramatic power but no directive power; the Prime Minister has directive dominance). Sometimes a performer can hold both kinds of power. Questions: 1. Provide some examples of ‘Teams’ that you observe in the everday. Ans: Political parties, business organisations, college fraternities, fan clubs 2. In those examples, what are they ‘staging’ (i. e. what is their task / goal)? Who holds dramatic power? Who has directive dominance? Ans: College fraternities: staging masculinities, teenage identities Business organisations: usually profit gain through transactions Ans: Apple’s Steve Jobs – has both dramatic power and directive dominance

Friday, August 30, 2019

The East Indian Presence

The last name Thompson Is one of Scottish decent. But the person who owns the name has absolutely nothing to do with the Scottish, This Is a common scenario for the many that Inhabit the small Island of Trinidad and Tobago. Trinidad, where the population of â€Å"just over a million people,† as it is colloquially recited, is a large mosaic of different ethnicities from different parts of the world, and immigrants from each ethnicity came many different reasons.These reasons, over time, have come to include slavery, indentured servitude, slave ownership, better lives, private businesses, and eventually leisure. The majority of the Trinitarian population Is comprised of people from East Indian parentage. L, along with my maternal side of the family fall into this category. East India refers to the country on the Asian continent where many know the natives for exotic spices, colorful tapestries, and art crafted by hand that creates a sense of the far and mystical land of India ma ny imagine as unreachable.But in the United States they are reachable, for almost 100 ears now, and today we share the America we all love with them as friends, colleagues, business partners, and neighbors. But It was not so In the beginning. East Indians came to the united States to create a foothold In the American dream of all. Instead of welcomes, though, they were met with the prejudices of the â€Å"white men† that rule the land with their unjust and racial hands. They were accused of being lethargic and detrimental to the country despite their contributions to the economy of the Pacific Coast.The East Indians began their movement out of India by first landing In British Columbia. The Immigrants came from many different areas of India such as Bengal, Gujarat, and the united Provinces. The propaganda pushed by Canadian employers created the impression of opportunity and success in working on the railroads. L The treatment the Indians received in British Columbia, however , was less than suitable for a hardworking employee. Many arrived there with verbal contracts for work that were never acknowledged, and living conditions unsuitable for the severe winters they encountered.From there, around 1907, they found their way down to the Pacific Coast of the united States In search of friendlier employers and better wages and weather. 2 They settled largely in Bellingham, Washington, and parts of Oregon, working in lumber mills. In these areas, it was easy for Indians to feel more comfortable at work since mill owners were indifferent to their turbans or their skin color. 3 Soon, there were around 1,072 Indian immigrants in the United States. 4 When eventually Euro-Americans caught on to how Indians may be endangering their Jobs, hundreds of them complained to the mill owners about being replaced and workers.As a result of these actions, Euro-Americans were able to convince employers that it was dangerous and unpredictable to have the â€Å"rag-heads,† as they called them, working for them and taking Jobs away from white workers. One can see the hypocrisy in the situation if one revisits the lethargic and volatile nature of these Euro-Americans themselves. In response to these injustices, the East Indians were forced to move further south into California. 5 As Indians entered California, in about 1907, their numbers again increased to around 1,782.Many moved to the port of San Francisco and the small city of Chic, Just north of San Francisco, because of the favorable treatment they received. Many set to work with the West Pacific Railway where eventually there were as many as 2,000 Indians working on the Pacific Railroad. As more time went by, less Indians worked the railroads after 1908 but they completed the construction of many bridges, tunnels, and railroad section work between 1907 and 1909. The Indians then turned their attention to agriculture in 1910, during Californians agriculture boom.This provided many Jobs for the Indians. 6 But in another unjust response to their hard work, Indians were now faced with opposition by different organizations. One of the organizations that proved determined to keep out Indians was the Asiatic Exclusion League. The Asiatic Exclusion League used their influential status to write Congress on several occasions about the â€Å"detrimental† effect that they believed Indians had on the American people. These â€Å"detrimental† affects included everything from industrial effects to moral effects.The Asiatic Exclusion League worked to its fullest to inhibit success for the â€Å"Asiatic† (Asiatic also included the Japanese, Korean, and Filipino people of Eastern Asia) as much as possible in order to ensure their removal and deportation if possible. In 1910, the Asiatic Exclusion League further propelled the removal of Indians by describing the way they live as a disregard for â€Å"the decencies of life†. 7 In the later months of 1910, the num ber of Indians admitted into the United States began to decrease and by June 1910, some were turned away and had to find ways around the main ports to get into the country.Indians tried alternate routes through Hawaii, Mexico, and even hiding until they could go unnoticed with those who were tot deported. 8 When one thinks about what the â€Å"American Dream† means, is what the Indians experienced what comes to mind? For most it is not so difficult. Many may see a definite struggle, until a great opportunity presents itself that can set one's destiny on the perfect path that one can be successful and pass that success onto further generations.But what Indians endured in coming to the United States, seems to be more difficult than one usually anticipates in trying to live out the â€Å"American Dream. † What can be said for the Indians and their so-called â€Å"American experience,† is that hey accomplished what they needed to in order to push past all the injust ices encountered and move forward. But I cannot say that they were able to enjoy the results of all their efforts. Nearly 100 years later, not many are aware of either their efforts on the Pacific railroads or the hardships they endured before and after that time in the United States.While many other ethnicities are able to look back at history books and read about their ancestors' endeavors and contributions to the United States, those of East Indian decent are unable to do so as easily. East Indian he efforts of the other Asiatic who came in search of the same work. Only they are outwardly credited, while the East Indian presence in United States history seems almost nonexistent. However, as one walks down the diverse and multicultural street of Devon Avenue, one encounters many different cultures and peoples.But one culture in particular that is prominent and well-known is the section known as â€Å"Little India. † This section is filled with many different places that one might hope to only see in India itself. Shops that sell saris, the traditional clothing worn by women, and salary zamia, the rotational clothing worn by men, restaurants that advertise their many Indian foods, and even Jewelry stores with the most precious and elaborate Indian gold. These shops line the avenue in the most ornate way. This section of Devon Avenue in Chicago, Illinois, is a good example of the presence and story of the East Indian peoples. Devon Avenue is home to many different cultures and ethnicities on several streets, but where the Indians mostly inhabit is on and around Mohammed All Zinnia Way and Mahatma Gandhi Mark. This section is also known as â€Å"Little India†. Here one sees an entirely new environment, one that completely envelopes the culture, lives, and surroundings of native India. I have been to India before and was surprised to feel as though I had returned. Everything looked real and authentic. As I looked around I expected to see Indians wh o may look and dress as though influenced by the American society, but this was quite the contrary.There were men, women, and children walking around dressed as if they Just arrived from India. Women wear brightly colored saris, ones that, according to Mrs†¦ Patella, a woman I stopped outside one of the sari-selling stores, â€Å"†¦ Re exactly, if not better than those in India. And the jewelry is some of the most wonderful there is. â€Å"10 Redcap, author of Ethnic Routes to Becoming an American: Indian Immigrants and the Cultures of Citizenship describes the exact same scene in the sass's when she first comes to America.There are, surprisingly, also many video stores that proclaim their Plywood contents and vociferously advertise with â€Å"film tunes† and, as Redcap illustrates, â€Å"window-hung Indian movie posters, featuring red-lipped, voluptuous women leaning against bare- cheated, brooding men in skin tight leather pants. 11 One man, Visual Ramparts, we nt so far as to say that â€Å"Devon is like an India away from India†¦ When my mother misses India (my father) takes her here and lets her spend the day, then she feels better. â€Å"12 All this and more contributes to the Indian story here in America.The story of the Indian peoples is an arduous one. They had to fight for a long time so that America could hear their voices. And when eventually they did, the Indians could feel more comfortable and accepted in their surroundings. Because they were now comfortable and more of them had better reasons to stay and bring heir families, in 1985 they accounted for more than 500,000 within the United States population. 13 Many of the immigrants settled in urban areas like New York , Miami, Anaheim, Washington D. C. , Houston, San Francisco, and of course Chicago. 4 With the settlement of these immigrants in these areas, they created sections with great diversity which attracted many other ethnicities, or encouraged them to create sec tions for themselves. But over time, some of these cities' diversity has dwindled diverse neighborhoods in the country such as Brooklyn and Queens in New York and Rogers Park in Chicago. 5 And in these communities, Indians play a significant part. These communities have helped make their presence known to the American people, because now there are people who are willing to speak out and educate the American people about their culture, lifestyle, and history.In the world today, people want to know more about them and are genuinely interested because of the diversity of the culture. As Helsel so puts it, â€Å"In the early sass's one could count on his or her fingers the number of articles and books about Asian Indians†¦. By 2003, the number had increased to more than 300. 16 Therefore, the evidence presented clearly supports and enhances the story of the Indian ethnicity making it more interesting and fascinating to others. It creates a will to understand their culture among ot hers from different backgrounds, especially when one exposes themselves to an environment like Devon Avenue.It sparks curiosity as to where these people came from, what their customs are, and what are the foreign things seen in the shop windows of Devon. When the East Indians came to the United States, looking for the American Dream, they found close to none of it. Though as time went on, some of hose who were not deported in 1910, found ways of living in hiding while working at the same time. And quite some time after that, they began to find work more easily in the United States. While still being part of a group plagued by prejudice for a long time, many soon came to accept them and their culture. 7 Many decided to move to other states that offered a lot of opportunity like New York, New Jersey, and Illinois. These places offered many Job opportunities like factories and other industrial work. New York was also a place where they could settle and await the arrival of their Emily who might immigrate later. In these places, Indians established small communities where they could all find comfort in one another. Soon these communities became known as â€Å"Little Indians,† like on Devon Avenue. 8 Today, there are East Indians in all fifty states. But the most populated are still New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Texas, Florida, and of course, California where it all began. 19 Today, the East Indian presence in the United States is quite noticeable, but their presence is not enough to say that they have truly influenced the American fabric or the essence of America. They are here, and many know of them, but they and their culture are still seen as significantly different from what many know the average American culture to be.In closing, East Indians have made it into the American society and today fit in very well. They live alongside us everyday in workplaces, schools, and businesses. But as the presented evidence supports, this was not an easy goal to ach ieve. East Indians do not get the credit they deserve for their role in the construction of modern America and their part in United States history. History reedits many other ethnicities that worked beside East Indians on the railroads with its construction and omit the existence of the East Indian presence.This creates the illusion that East Indians are part of the groups of immigrants that moved to the United States in fairly modern times and did not contribute to making America what it is today. The goal of history is to educate others about different peoples and who they influence different times and places. This courtesy is not shown to those of the East Indian parentage in the United States history, although they, much like many muggy into the modern United States. They do not deal with a lot of prejudice, and many find their culture interesting and exotic.If anything, many more Americans are more interested in knowing about their culture and practices rather than bashing or b elittling it. In the America we live in today, a lot in the culture is commonplace and Americans are always trying to find something new and attractive to create a hybrid of to fit into the American lifestyle. One can see an example of this back in the sass's with the artist Gwen Stefan. She marketed her style with an East Indian flare wearing he decorative â€Å"bind'† on her forehead and sporting henna tattoos on her body.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

WTO effect on Taiwan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

WTO effect on Taiwan - Essay Example (Antkiewicz, 2004) In other words, the more internationalized the financial markets and the more liberalized the capital account, the more challenges the autonomy of monetary policy have faced. In fact, financial internationalization underlay both the Latin American financial crisis happening earlier and the East Asian crisis a few years ago. Experts and scholars, by drawing important lessons from financial crises, have, retrospectively, advocated a progressive approach rather than an aggressive one to financial internationalization. They have singled out relaxation of capital account controls as the bottom-line defensive measure and have even viewed a certain degree of re-regulation as necessary in the aftermath of financial liberalization and internationalization. (Cai, 2005) By doing so, the negative impact of rapid and large-scale international capital movements on a countrys economy can be minimized. Generally speaking, financial liberalization includes cross-border flows of funds, personnel and commodities. In addition to opening the capital account, it also includes expanding offshore business, establishing foreign exchange call-loan markets, and allowing foreign bank operations and branches. The following phenomena, which are independent in itself but not exclusive of each other, illustrate the connotation of financial internationalization: 1) The restrictions on the currency exchanges and other international financial activities of residents and non-residents (including individuals, corporations and financial institutions) are relaxed Domestic banks are allowed to establish overseas branches. Domestic corporations can raise funds by issuing corporate bonds overseas or by investing overseas. Foreign banks and corporations are also permitted to conduct reciprocal financial businesses locally. (Weixing, 2006) 2) International capital movements

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Discuss the role of the Trinitarios, provide detail as to the origin Essay

Discuss the role of the Trinitarios, provide detail as to the origin of the organization, strategy-both political and military a - Essay Example According to Pons (149-150), without any foreign aid, the Trinitarios of Dominicans, headed by Juan Pablo Durate fought for Dominican independence; and the most significant move of Trinitarios was their win over Tomas de Bobadilla who was an opponent of Haitian government. The writer also says that Bobadilla’s political experience was an important factor for Trinitarios’ political strategy. The difference in opinion of Trinitarios with that of conservatives lowered their influence over the authority and they lost the power. However Trinitarios continued their effort to regain the lost power and demanded for higher ranks in the authority in order to attain the control of armed forces. Trinitarios set up their military coup and managed to establish their lost positions and power. Eventually Durate powered the control of country’s main garrison by attaining the post of military commander of Department of Santo Domingo. Following this, Durate succeeded in establishin g a new government through a series of proclamations. At the same time, there arose movements against Trinitarios and several actions to disable their power. According to Sagas and Inoa (3), the incessant efforts of Trinitarios brought forth the nation’s independence.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

North American Culture and Multinational Firm Advertising Research Paper

North American Culture and Multinational Firm Advertising - Research Paper Example This essay "North American Culture and Multinational Firm Advertising" outlines the importance of the right international marketing strategy. Multinational firms may either succeed or fail in their endeavor to incorporate cultural traits and behavior into their marketing and sales initiatives in foreign locales. Multinational firms are usually structured in the same way as a typical local firm (Sankar and Rau 27). However, there are differences in terms of adopting a standard structure, which has to be followed by the sub-companies in line with the complexity of their business practices. In general, these firms may put emphasis on functionality, product, and/or geography, when planning on the standard organizational structure of their subsidiaries (Sankar and Rau 27). The exposure of multinational firms, to an environment where technology and the level of competition are changing is the factor that forces them to adopt new strategies to make sure that their structure is fit to what i s needed in the foreign industry. In most cases, multinational firms adopt a regional organization structure because of the need to develop customized marketing activities that is appropriate to the local culture and situation in a foreign market (Britton 199). This structure is deemed to be the most appropriate organizational form if firms consider localization. This structure is headed by a regional manager instead of a subsidiary manager, who has limited reach to regional offices. Specifically, Avon Products take this organizational form. ... Operation of International Advertising Firms The burden of formulating the right advertising concept for a brand is placed on international advertising firms. Since their services are project based, there is often pressure in meeting the demands of clients, especially when these are multinational firms that have high expectations. The basic goal is to promote the same product under the same brand using a uniform strategy (Sotomayor 131). However, because the goal of a multinational firm is to make an advertisement campaign charismatic to various cultures, localization needs to be adopted (Sotomayor 131). Multinational firms now exist in a global market, where there are varied local rules and expectations (Sotomayor 132). As a result, international advertising firms have to suit the campaign to what is culturally acceptable. For instance, when the first novel in the Harry Potter series was promoted in the United States the title was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone whereas in other locations, the title was Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (Sotomayor 132). A change like this has to be made so that the audience may well understand the context of the movie and be enticed to watch it. Fundamentally, the type of product or service, that is set to be promoted, is an important element to consider in international marketing. The factor is crucial because there is a possibility that the product or service will not be acceptable, as per the local culture. The study conducted by Chang of multinational firms and localization in China showed that multinational firms from differing industries have differing growths (Figure 2.0). This figure supports those consumption rates of the types products vary from one industry to another (30-31). Figure 2.0 Industry

Monday, August 26, 2019

Successful Knowledge Worker Teams-Sheila Coursework

Successful Knowledge Worker Teams-Sheila - Coursework Example People and organizations adopt the Six Cs of Global Collaboration to enable them ensure they work together with their partners in different parts of the world. The three key factors of success for the globally distributed worker teams that I will illustrate are convergence, coordination, and communication. The goals and directives are maintained to be the same for all workers through convergence. A coordinated team ensures teamwork is organized as the team is kept up-to-date by communication. This paper will highlight convergence, coordination and communication as key elements that contribute to the success of knowledge worker teams. The ability of every team member to keep a clear purpose and shared priorities is what is considered in this case. Convergence is among the factors that are considered as the key elements that contribute to the success of knowledge worker teams distributed around the world. There are various reasons why one would be persuaded to ensure his or her team is convergent. The first reason is the fact that clear purpose among the team players is ensured through convergence. The objectives of each member involved in the team are usually directed to one clear goal same as that of the team. Every team leader wants to see his or her team working on one main objective of the team (Cochrane, 2014). Lack of deviation from the goal of the team puts the workers focused towards good performance. Therefore, every team leadership advocates for convergence of the relevant stakeholders of the team. Another main reason why convergence is critical for the success of knowledge worker teams is the fact that when the team is converged it will have shared set of priorities among the members of the team. It is important to have similar priorities as a team since the destructions that cause delayed performance can be avoided (De Felice, 2013). For example,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

FedEx corporation and Bowmans strategy clock Assignment

FedEx corporation and Bowmans strategy clock - Assignment Example (Bowman Strategy Clock, 2009) FedEx caters to global customers and business houses with a wide range of application, business packages as well as e-commerce services. It occupies the most trusted employer’s position in the world, supporting above 275000 human resources and contractors and maintaining immense professional benchmarks and customers’ requirements on regular basis (FedEx, 2011). Taking up the case of FedEx can serve as a case of analysis for the paper and the issues taken up for study cover the strategies of the company and an evaluation of the current and future position of the same. Bowman’s strategic clock and its success factors According to the Bowman’s strategic clock, there are six core strategic options (overall eight options) if properly represented, resemble the pattern of a clock hence named ‘the strategic clock’. According to Bowman, the first strategic option is low added value, which is likely to be specified by segme nts. The second strategic option is the low price of the products that helps in reducing the risks associated with price war and that with low margins. The third strategic option is hybrid that considers a base of low cost, availability of the options of reinvestment in low priced products and differentiation. The fourth strategic option is differentiation of products that can again be subdivided into two separate categories. The first category consists of those without a price premium that helps in yielding benefits from the market share through the process of value addition as perceived by the users. The second category is with the system of price premium that contains within itself sufficient added values as perceived so as to bear the price premium. The fifth strategy is called focused differentiation that... The FedEx, the biggest delivery company of the United States of America followed the strategy options prescribed by Bowman to gain sustainability through the achievement of competitive advantages over the other firms of the industry. The criterion of suitability is use to access the extent of the fitting of a proposed strategy and its contribution to the improvement of the competitive position of the firm and its sustainability. Feasibility of any strategy is the assessment of the successful implementation of a particular strategy. Acceptability on the other hand relates strongly to the people’s expectation about a particular strategy option taken by the firm. (Evaluation Criteria, n.d) The unique operating strategies undertaken by FedEx are the collective competition that enables each and every sub segment of the company to use the brand name for the marketing of their products. The second strategy is the independent operation of the firms under the company that focuses on me eting the distinct needs of the customers and handles them separately with proper individual care. The third strategy is the management of the firm collaboratively that is to work together under the loyalty of the workforce the customers and the investors of the company. All these strategies valued the people in promoting diversity, the service with full positive spirit, the innovation and the integrity of the organization increasing efficiency, reliability, and honesty.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

What were the main features of the African slave trade, and what Essay

What were the main features of the African slave trade, and what effects did it have on Africa Restrict your answer to the period before 1800 - Essay Example This in fact was the worst slave trade in history according to the author. (Buxton, 2005 p16) Africans in general, the ones involved in the slave trade and those who were left, faced a lot of pain. It was total horror and disgust to Africans as they went through the miseries. The territories left behind by the slaves would become wilderness and expose the villages to a great extent of conflagration and chaos. Their children would be kidnapped and murdered in pursuit of some inferior supplies from the continent of Europe. Europe would always treat the slaves and those Africans left behind in a very evil and cruel manner. The traders would give to the chiefs who would sell the slaves very minute revenues in compensation and leave them to apply to the ones left. The chieftains would sell approximately 250,000 (to the higher) slaves per annum and the revenue would be about 4 pounds per head. Sometimes they would be duped and even at times the recipients of the slaves would describe the received merchandise as one that would only fit an inferior description. It would result into a very infeasible business, shunning off the fact that the whole process was so dehumanizing. Firstly, the revenues received would sometimes not meet the costs at all since it had to be applied to pay the armies that would involve in the trade of slaves. The reprisals among the chieftains would also be a requirement and the cost of the ravaging of their land as well as property destruction. The other items that would prove costly as well were such items as ammunition, and arms. There were also the goods that would be imported into Africa that would not match the gains from the traded slaves in exchange. Also the slaves hunting process was not a very nice experience and it would only be described as horrid. Millions of acres of land would be left abandoned since the owners would be traded as slaves. They (chiefs) would trade the slaves basically to get ball, powder and brandy and

Friday, August 23, 2019

ICT Knowledge Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

ICT Knowledge Management - Essay Example Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has introduced such technologies which really help managers and employees in the management of relevant knowledge. Companies cannot install ICT technologies properly on their own. Therefore, they hire ICT specialists for the installation of any specific ICT technology. Smith (2011) states, â€Å"An information and communications technology (ICT) specialist designs, maintains, and services systems used to store, retrieve, and send data†. Let us now discuss the role which ICT can play in knowledge management. In the report, we will consider one of the most effective ICT technologies which helps companies determine what information should be collected and converted into knowledge. The ICT technology, which will be discussed in the paper, will be Management and Information System (MIS). We will also discuss the role of ICT in different industries. 2. Role of the ICT Technology ICT plays a considerable role in knowledge management. Man agement Information System is an example of ICT which helps employees in the management of information that is required to run different business activities. Martin (2010) asserts, â€Å"Management Information Systems, which are often abbreviated to MIS are a subdivision of internal business controls that usually refer to documents, IT, people and procedures†. ... illon (2010) states, â€Å"The chief principle of management information system is to make sure that the flow of correct information is facilitated to the right people or parties in an organization†. The key tasks of an efficient Management Information System include management of business related information, documentation of the collected information, and assisting the management in processing the information. â€Å"The processing of data into information and communicating the resulting information to the user are the very essence of an MIS† (Lucey 2005, p. 4). Management Information System presents the data to the concerned department in the form of a well-documented report consisting of those activities that are needed to be executed by the management of any specific department. The main purpose of using ICT technologies in an organization is to develop and manage such tools which help managers, decision makers, and other employees of an organization in the processi ng of information related to different sets of tasks and business operations. ICT is considered an integral part of any organization because it controls all activities regarding businesses of any organization by providing the right information to the right person at right place and at the right time. ICT not only helps companies collect relevant information, rather it is also used to process, analyze, and disseminate the collected information in order to carry out key business processes of an organization. Abel (2008) found that MIS deals with the planning, management, and use of effective information technology tools to help people manage relevant knowledge. Without the use of effective Management Information System, the employees can never properly access or use the information that is required to run